environmental services fiber optics

Environmental Services for Better Fiber Optic Route Installation

Deploying fast and reliable infrastructure has the potential to transform businesses, improve healthcare outcomes, advance educational opportunities, and enhance civic engagement. McGill’s commitment to expanding fiber optic services in rural areas demonstrates our dedication to shaping communities throughout the Southeast. Since 2019, McGill has provided environmental services for approximately 2,600 miles of fiber optic installations, which has assisted multiple internet service companies across North and South Carolina.

McGill provided the environmental review and the necessary permitting processes for Federal, State, and local agency approval. Our team is well versed in all environmental aspects of fiber optic project funding and permitting process–from the initial funding application submittal through final permit approvals. Environmental reviews ensure compliance, which helps secure funding with the following:

Additionally, McGill provides field investigation services, which includes jurisdictional waters delineations, threatened and endangered species surveys, analysis of floodplains, important farmland, formally classified lands, and historically sensitive areas. Finally, we have coordinated all permitting requirements to ensure that these projects are in compliance with the following organizations:

  • US Environmental Protection Agency – Clean Water Act of 1972
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service – Endangered Species Act of 1973
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency – Floodplain Management regulations
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service – Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981
  • National Park Service – National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
  • All state and local government regulations

Our team recently completed environmental services for a 26.3-mile fiber optic route along Avents Ferry Road and Highway 42 near Corinth, North Carolina. The preliminary jurisdictional determination included a delineation of the project area that was performed in accordance with the guidelines and standards of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. Jurisdictional areas found on the property were flagged and located with Global Positioning System (GPS). Additional services include the following:

  • Threatened and Endangered Species Survey in accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973
  • Located jurisdictional wetlands, waters, and Threatened and Endangered Species (or potential habitat)
  • Marked and labeled all proposed stream crossings
  • Assessed locations using GIS and USGS data to provide preliminary evaluations of crossings
  • Located streams within the watershed and provided their location to ensure that NCDEQ Riparian Buffer Rules were met along the proposed route that crosses the Jordan Lake watershed

Working with Local Communities

Jon Swaim, Environmental Practice Area LeaderJon Swaim is the Environmental Services Practice Area Leader at McGill. When asked to talk about his experience working on fiber optics projects, he said: “Our team enjoys assisting with important and innovative fiber optic utility projects. We stay informed on the regulatory challenges associated with funding and installing these large infrastructure projects. Interacting with the local community has been an added bonus while completing the field investigations. We have found that the public is very enthusiastic about improving their internet capabilities and is excited to see us out working.”

Our team has the experience needed to provide the environmental services for broadband services and infrastructure projects. We recognize the dire need to bridge the urban-rural gap and expand access to high-speed internet, and McGill is truly honored to be at the forefront of providing fiber optics services to underserved areas. Reach out to Jon Swaim today at jon.swaim@mcgillassociates.com to discuss your fiber optic needs. You can learn more about McGill and our other practice service areas by checking out our website. You can also learn more about McGill’s work by reading past articles and case studies.

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