Town of Godwin
Water System Improvements
The Town of Godwin is a small community with a population of less than 150 residents in Cumberland County. Recently, McGill has been working with the Town on a project to extend water service to households in the outlying area experiencing issues with groundwater contamination. Numerous residential areas exist surrounding Godwin that currently obtain drinking water from privately owned individual wells. These areas do not have access to a public water distribution system, and many residents have approached Town leaders regarding the possibility of extending the Town’s water system to serve their homes. Residents in the vicinity of Godwin have expressed interest in obtaining water service from the Town are located on Burnett Road, Leitha Lane, Julian Road, McLellan Road, Norris Road, Overcreek Lane, Ross West Road, Sherrill Baggett Road, and Sweetwater Road. The Town owns and operates a water distribution system that consists of approximately five (5) miles of distribution system piping and 119 metered connections according to the Town’s 2018 Local Water Supply Plan.

The Challenge
The residents in this area met with the Town Council and asked the Town to help them overcome contamination issues with their private wells. Residents had identified fecal coliform and Escherichia coli (e. coli) contamination in some of their wells. Coliform bacteria are a group of microorganisms commonly found in soil, surface water, and on plants. They are also present in the intestines of animals and humans. The presence of some types of coliform bacteria, such as e. coli, in water signals the presence of feces or sewage waste, which can be a source of potentially disease-causing organisms. The Town has noted that a potential source for this contamination is improperly installed septic systems at various locations within the project vicinity. Residents were also wanting to use water from the Town’s system rather than the wells they were currently getting water from. The average daily demand in the Town’s water system was estimated to increase from 11,200 GPD to 23,200 GPD with the additional customers. The system will be designed to handle this anticipated demand.
Our Solution
McGill assisted the Town in working with this group of concerned residents to obtain additional testing and capture information necessary to obtain grant funding for the project. McGill presented an option to the Town to extend water service to these residents and create a new emergency water backup for the Town from Harnett County. The project work included 31,000 feet of 6-inch water main to connect 51 properties to the Town’s water system. The extension will allow residents, who have previously only had access to well water, the opportunity to connect to the Town’s water. The water main expansion will include a new interconnection with Harnett County’s water system. McGill partnered with USDA and SERCAP to assist the Town with obtaining USDA-Rural Development funding for the project. The project was formally bid and the low bid was submitted by Temple Grading and Construction out of Bunnlevel. Temple was selected by the Town for construction of this important project. A groundbreaking ceremony was held in October of 2022.
The Results
McGill was able to work with the Town of Godwin in every step of the process. With McGill’s help, the Town was awarded over $2.4 million in funding through loan and grant from USDA-Rural Development, including a $1.6 million grant for this project. By creating a new interconnection, both the private well owners and the current water users of the Town benefit from having a new backup water source through this water infrastructure upgrade. The project allowed 51 properties the opportunity to connect to the Town’s water system. The Town was able to offer residents full water service connection to the house for only $150 per resident.
Collaborating on the water project for the Town of Godwin was a rewarding experience, ensuring that the Town received a sustainable and efficient water supply solution. The contractors’ expertise and commitment to quality were evident in every phase of the project.
McGill celebrated the completion of this project alongside the Town of Godwin and members of the USDA.


