Raindrops falling on flooded road

Navigating the Changing Landscape of Stormwater Management


Storm drain

Stormwater management is an increasingly important issue for communities and municipalities across the southeastern United States. With the changing landscape of regulations and the increasing frequency and severity of storms, it is crucial for engineering firms to navigate these challenges and provide innovative solutions to their clients.

McGill has proudly been at the forefront of providing comprehensive and holistic water resources solutions to our clients, with a particular focus on stormwater management.

With 40 years of experience, McGill’s water resources team is well-equipped to address a broad range of projects related to stormwater management. Whether it is stormwater system design, BMP retrofits, watershed-wide flood management, or water quality improvement master plans, McGill’s engineers are supported by expert modelers and GIS capabilities to provide cutting-edge solutions to our clients. Our staff’s depth of knowledge in environmental planning, hydraulic system modeling, infrastructure design, and construction management allows us to offer a wide range of programmatic and project support services.


One of McGill’s core areas of expertise is stormwater program support services. Our staff is knowledgeable about total maximum daily load (TMDL) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance, with experience in local watershed compliance in North Carolina and regional TMDL compliance in the Chesapeake Bay area.

We also have a wealth of experience in performing development reviews and approvals to respond to municipal staff changes. Additionally, McGill has extensive experience in assisting municipal clients with preparation of stormwater development manuals and ordinances to stay up to date with changing state regulations.


McGill has a strong track record in partnering with communities to find innovative solutions to financing stormwater program needs through grant writing and stormwater utility implementation and support.

This proactive approach to funding and financing is crucial to ensure that stormwater management initiatives can be effectively implemented and maintained long term. McGill’s expertise in this area allows us to provide valuable support to our municipal clients in navigating the changing landscape of stormwater management regulations and requirements.

Road closed sign on flooded roadway


In addition to program support services, McGill has significant experience in the design of water-resources-related infrastructure, including road and site drainage, stormwater management, green infrastructure, stream restoration, dams, and other hydraulic control structures. Our team of experienced stormwater designers is familiar with hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, permitting, and maintenance and operations of stormwater infrastructure. This expertise allows McGill to work with our clients to find solutions to system maintenance and upgrades, drainage, and water quality improvements, ultimately achieving pollutant load reduction and ecosystem enhancement.


McGill has direct experience working with state and federal agencies to address floodplain management issues, including the use of state-of-the-art hydrologic and hydraulic models and automated mapping tools. This technical expertise, underpinned by a deep understanding of the science and engineering of watershed management, allows McGill to provide our clients with valuable information to effectively communicate existing problems, cost-effective solutions, funding strategies, and prioritized implementation plans to community and political leaders.


McGill’s water resources team is well positioned to navigate the changing landscape of storm water management and provide innovative solutions to clients. With our wealth of experience, technical expertise, and proactive approach to funding and financing, McGill is a valuable partner for communities and municipalities looking to address their stormwater management challenges.

As stormwater management continues to be a critical issue, McGill’s commitment to providing holistic water resources solutions will be crucial in helping communities adapt to and comply with regulatory drivers.

Michael Hanson, PE, LEED AP
Michael Hanson, PE, LEED AP


Click here to read more about McGill’s water resources services and reach out to michael.hanson@mcgillassociates.com to learn how we can help you and your community with your stormwater needs.

McGill will be attending the North Carolina Association of Floodplain Managers (NCAFPM) conference this week (May 6-8) in Wrightsville Beach, so feel free to stop by our booth to find out more if you happen to be attending the conference.

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