Forrest Westall presents at NC-AWWA Conference

Forrest Westall Presents Keynote Address at NC AWWA-WEA Spring Conference

April 18, 2016

Forrest Westall, Sr., PE, Principal of McGill Associates, presented the keynote address this morning at the North Carolina AWWA-WEA Spring Conference. His presentation, “A Retrospective on Water Quality Management: Looking Ahead Without Forgetting the Past” followed a message by Asheville Mayor, Esther Manheimer.

McGill Associates is pleased to be involved with this Spring Conference and appreciates all of the excellent work that the NC AWWA-WEA does. We look forward to the other presentations our McGill Associates team members will giving during the conference, as well as attending the many interesting water, wastewater, and operations and maintenance forums and presentations. The below presentations will take place today and tomorrow at Crown Plaza Hotel in Asheville:

Electrical System Upgrades at Water Treatment Facilities to Reduce Vulnerability – Keith Webb, PE, Principal / Vice-President

Town of Robbinsville Constructs Cheoah River BNR Wastewater Treatment Facility to Meet New Nitrogen and Phosphorous Permit Limits – David Honeycutt, PE, Senior Project Engineer


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