Seeking Grants for an Association, a Small Business or for Research

McGill Associates Assists 10 Communities in Receiving Over 28 Million in Grant Funds

Next Grant Cycle Deadline Rapidly Approaching

McGill’s success of providing comprehensive services to communities continues. On February 28, 2018, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s State Water Infrastructure Authority Board approved the Fall 2017 funding decisions. McGill developed and supported 10 municipalities and water authorities in securing a combination of 15 grants, loans, and principal forgiveness loans, totaling $28,451,340 – equaling 11.67% of the total funds available.

Communities Benefiting from Grant Assistance

With the assistance of these grants, Burnsville, Garland, Laurinburg, Oxford, Pilot Mountain, Reidsville, Roseboro, Siler City, Tuckaseigee Water Sewer Authority, and Valdese now have the ability to address their communities’ challenging needs.

“The Produce Market Road Area Wastewater Collection System Improvements project is a significant need for our community. The City of Laurinburg is extremely grateful to learn about the receipt of CDBG-I grant funds that allow us to proceed with these improvements. We truly appreciate the assistance we received from McGill Associates to be awarded this grant that addresses a great need in our City,” stated Charles Nichols III, City Manager of Laurinburg.

Funds awarded include: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Infrastructure Projects, Drinking Water State Reserve Fund Projects, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Projects, Wastewater State Reserve Projects, Wastewater State Revolving Fund Projects, Clean Water State Revolving Fund Projects, Asset Inventory and Assessment Grant Projects, and Merger / Regionalization Feasibility Grants.

How McGill Can Help

McGill is recognized for the firm’s strong history of partnering with local governments to find innovative solutions to address their needs, which often includes securing funding to move projects forward. The firm is building upon this tradition by expanding its management, planning, and funding procurement programs for local governments.

The Spring 2018 grant application deadlines are quickly approaching in April. McGill’s professional team can assist your community. For more information, contact Karen Kiehna, Grant Administrator, at or 828.252.0575.

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