McGill Associates Assists with City of Bessemer City’s Community Center
With the influx of community clubs and organizations, the City of Bessemer City recognized the need to update its 1970s era community center. This facility did not provide enough rooms or space, and the outdated construction made it very difficult for community programs to function smoothly, causing many groups to postpone or cancel events. The rehabilitated community center now provides viable space for hosting recreational activities and opportunities for the residents of the City, specifically seniors and residents of low to moderate income households. The city was awarded a $500,000 NC Catalyst Community Development Block Grant to fund the improvements. The renovations consisted of improvements to the 5,000 square foot facility, which included a restroom addition, computer room, administration offices, a renovated kitchen, and a large multi-purpose space. The facility is tailored to sustain a diverse selection of organizations and activities, conveniently located in the hub of local activity.
McGill Associates’ role in the project was to design the site improvements to the community center, along with the selected architect. During the building phase, McGill Associates’ served as the construction field representative and assisted with site planning, surveying, preliminary layout, grading, drainage, utilities, as well as cost estimating.
Now that the project is complete, the City says it is excited to showcase a new and improved community center and hopes the interlacing of diverse groups will have a positive impact on the small, rural community, according to its website.