McGill Associates’ Secure $33 Million in State Grant and Loan Funding
McGill Associates had substantial success in the Division of Water Infrastructure (Division)’s September 2016 round of grant applications, the first round to use funds from the Connect NC Bond. With programs ranging from the Community Development Block Grant-Infrastructure (CDBG-I) grant program, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan program, Drinking Water State Reserve (DWSR) program, Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan program, and the Wastewater State Reserve (WWSR), this was Division’s largest funding round to date.
With approximately 19 municipalities and agencies receiving awards, Mc Gill Associates’ collectively procured nearly $33 million dollars in just this round alone. The approved funding provides the best funding available for a given project application and maximizes the utilization of Connect NC Bond funds.
Below is a breakdown of our clients and the project award (loans and grants) by program category:
Community Development Block Grant-Infrastructure (CDBG-I) Project Funding Approved on Jan. 18, 2017 1. Town of Troy, Phase II Water and Sewer Replacement, $695,617
2. Town of Stanley, WW Collection System Rehabilitation, $2,000,000
3. Town of Siler City, Wastewater Collection System Improvements, $2,000,000
4. Town of Burnsville, Peterson Trailer Park Sewer Line Rehab, $900,000
5. Town of Murphy, Regal Street Water and Sewer Improvement, $2,000,000
6. Rowan County, Dukeville Water Line Project, $2,963,700
Drinking Water State Reserve (DWSR) Project Funding Approved on Jan. 18, 2017
1. Town of Parkton, Water Tank Rehabilitation Project, $179,300
2. City of Oxford, 2017 Water Line Replacement, $5,832,000
3. Town of Bailey, Water Filter Replacement, $468,000
4. Town of Canton, Spruce Street Area Water System Improvements, $2,000,000
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Project Funding Approved on Jan. 18, 2017
1. Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority, Water System Consolidation-Valhalla System, $499,985
2. Cleveland County Water, Lattimore Area Water Improvements, $3,833,600
Wastewater State Reserve (WWSR) Project Funding Approved on Jan. 18, 2017
1. Elm City, Wastewater Irrigation Improvements, $3,000,000
2. City of Oxford, 2017 Sewer Line Replacement, $3,721,000
3. Town of Clyde, Pigeon River North Sewer Rehabilitation, $550,000
4. City of Lenior, Biosolids Facility Improvements, $6,600,000
Asset Inventory and Assessment (AIA) Grant Funding Approved on Jan. 18, 2017
1. Town of St Pauls, Sewer Asset Inventory and Assessment, $150,000
2. Town of Canton, Water System Asset Inventory and Assessment, $85,000
3. Town of Maxton, Wastewater Asset Inventory, Assess. & Mgmt. Plan, $112,000
4. Town of Maxton, Water Asset Inventory, Assessment & Mgmt. Plan, $96,000
5. City of Oxford, Sewer Asset Inventory & Assessment, $150,000
6. City of Oxford, Water Asset Inventory & Assessment, $105,000
7. Town of Mount Olive, Water Asset Inventory & Assessment, $104,000
8. Town of Robbinsville, Water Asset Inventory & Assessment, $50,000
9. Cleveland County Water, Water Asset Inventory and Assessment, $150,000
McGill Associates is proud to have assisted with the application process for the clients listed above. We look forward to watching our communities benefit from these important infrastructure and planning projects, as well as the opportunity to work together in the future.