McGill Associates Excited to Attend the 2016 NCEDA Conference
Annual Conference Updates Tarheel Leaders on State of Economy
McGill Associates is excited to attend the North Carolina Economic Developer’s Association conference June 14-16, 2016 in beautiful Wrightsville Beach. Several major state leaders and economic development professionals will be in attendence, including Govenor Pat McCrory, Attorney General Roy Cooper, and Dr. Jimmie Williamson, President of the NC Community College System. We look forward to speaking with our NC leaders and learning about the NC economy at this week’s conference.
Our firm is also co-sponsoring the annual golf tournament at Cape Fear National has provided golfers with goody bags.
According to the NCEDA’s website, the organization is “the leading statewide association of professional economic developers and their allies in North Carolina. The members work to promote the state and its communities as places for new economic activity. They are on the front line of economic development in North Carolina. Based in Raleigh, advocacy and information services for its members. NCEDA provides professional development, advocacy and information services for its members.”