McGill Associates Pleased to Assist with Economic Impact Project in Murphy
The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians celebrated the opening of the new Harrah’s Cherokee Valley River Casino and Hotel September 28 in Murphy, North Carolina. McGill Associates assisted the Town of Murphy and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians with off-site utilities to serve the new gaming development in Cherokee County. McGill’s engineering services included planning, surveying, design, permitting, and construction administration. The scope of work involved the extension of water and sewer service from the Town of Murphy’s utility system and includes 5,000 lineal feet 16-inch gravity sewer, 11,300 lineal feet 12-inch sewer force main, one 800 gallons per minute wastewater lift station, one 1,400 gallons per minute wastewater lift station, and 500 lineal feet 12-inch potable water line.
Harrah’s senior vice president and regional general manager, Brooks Robinson, commented on the economic impact of the new casino on the Murphy area. “For the area, we know we’re going to have around 1,000 jobs,” he told the Cherokee One Feather. “It will put around $40 million into the local economy through payroll that will be here,” he said.
The wide range of jobs within the hotel and casino means more employment opportunities for the residents of Western North Carolina, including food and beverage workers to staff five restaurants featured in the Food Market area.
The facility is owned by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and managed by Caesars Entertainment, LLC.
McGill Associates is pleased to have been a part of this important economic development project.