Bessemer City’s Centennial Park Project Receives NC Main Street Award
Award Presented at NC Main Street Conference in Shelby
McGill Associates is pleased to announce that the City of Bessemer City’s Centennial Park Revitalization Project was recognized at the 2017 NC Main Street Awards Ceremony in the design category for “Best Outdoor Space Improvement.” The project, with its completion in September of 2016, serves as the newest hotspot for City events and recreational activities.
Constructed from the demolition of two dilapidated buildings, McGill Associates provided planning and design services for the revitalization project, including an elevated open air stage, dance and seating areas, artificial turf lawn area, and lighting.
Fifteen awards are presented by the NC Main Street program each year, with winner’s showcasing excellence in downtown revitalization in several categories including promotion, organization, design and economic vitality. The program helps small towns preserve their historic fabric and, using local resources, build on their unique characteristics to create vibrant central business districts. This year’s award winners were chosen by a panel of judges from dozens of applications submitted by Main Street participants from across the state.
Our team is delighted to see the City recognized for their endeavor to create a more sound downtown space for their residents, and are proud to have had a hand in the planning process.
To read more about the Centennial Park Revitalization Project, please click here.