
McGill Associates Sponsors PENC MathCounts

McGill Engineers Participate in Annual Event

“Friends Don’t Let Friends Divide By Zero” … a sea of t-shirts with this expression adorned on them filled the hallways of TC Roberson High School this past weekend, as engineers from McGill Associates’ Asheville office participated in the MathCounts Chapter Competition, hosted by PENC. MathCounts is a math club for middle schoolers in which participate in math-centered competition for a day; the students practice for this after school to prepare for this event. This year, 26 local schools partipated in the event.

McGill Sponsors Math Counts


McGill Associates’ engineers Mike Lewis and Don Hunley assisted with proctoring the event and handing out pizza to hungry students. Other professional engineers who particpated in the event included representatives from PSNC, ECS Carolinas, Blue Ridge Parkway, the City of Asheville, and Mission Health, among others. McGill Associates is proud to have been a part of this exciting event and looks forward to volunteering again next year.

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