North Fork Reservoir

McGill Engineers Slated to Present at NC-AWWA Spring Conference

Forrest Westall, Mike Waresak, Keith Webb, and David Honeycutt Scheduled to Lead Sessions

McGill Associates’ Director of Regulatory Relations, Forrest Westall, will speak at the opening session at the North Carolina American Water Works Association ­– Water Environment Federation (NC AWWA-WEA) Spring Conference. Mr. Westall will speak at 8 am, Monday, April 18, at the Crowne Plaza Resort in Asheville.

Forrest Westall’s professional career has been devoted to the stewardship of the water resources of North Carolina. He has extensive experience in water quality management and has helped develop and administer many aspects of NC’s Water Quality Program. He has directly contributed to the development of laws, regulations, and procedures that influence how North Carolina manages surface water across the entire state. In addition to advising and assisting many local governments and private clients, he has served as an advisor to many non-profit, local government, and advocacy groups on environmental and natural resource issues.

In addition to Mr. Westall, three other McGill Associates’ engineering experts will speak at the Spring Conference.


April 18, 11:00 am: Mike Waresak, PE, will give a presentation titled “Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Authority Expands with a 3.5 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Wastewater Treatment Facility and Sludge Dryer.” Mr. Waresak has managed numerous wastewater planning and design projects and is experienced in coordinating the complex regulatory permitting that is required to carry out the implementation of wastewater system improvements projects.


April 18, 3:45 pm: Keith Webb, PE, and Phil Fisher, PE, will present “Electrical System Upgrades at Water Treatment Facilities to Reduce Vulnerability.” As Vice President of McGill Associates, Mr. Webb has more than 35 years of experience providing design and management of water treatment plant and water system projects. Mr. Fisher is the Electrical Services Manager and has more than 25 years of experience with electrical engineering at treatment plants across North Carolina.



April 19, 11:20 am: David Honeycutt, PE, will give a talk entitled “Town of Robbinsville Constructs Cheoah River BNR Wastewater Treatment Facility to Meet New Nitrogen and Phosphorous Permit Limits.” Mr. Honeycutt has found a niche in process design for water and wastewater treatment plants, and he has designed plants with several processes ranging from extended aeration to membrane bioreactors. He is continuously looking for the latest technology and advances in the field.

We hope you join us at AWWA!



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