McGill Minute – Episode 4
Utilities Under Stress
Part 1: Impacts of Coronavirus on Water and Wastewater Utilities
In Part 1 of this 3-part series, Joel Storrow’s interviews RJ Mozeley, one of McGill’s talented water and wastewater distribution engineers, on the effects of COVID-19 on utility systems throughout North Carolina. Even though communities are faced with some challenging times, RJ highlights the opportunities available to those operating these systems and reminds us that this is the perfect time to plan, forecast, and re-prioritize for success.
Part 2: Dynamically Adapting to Changing Times Through Utility Rate Studies
In part 2 of the McGill Minute’s 3-part series on the effects of COVID-19 on utility systems, you will hear from Dale Schepers on how effective rate studies can help municipalities, counties and utility districts weather this storm and future problems that may arise.
Part 3: Future Funding Opportunities for Utility Systems in NC
In part 3 of the McGill Minute’s series on utility systems we are exploring opportunities to move public utilities forward despite challenging financial times. In this epsiode, we would like to share some real-world examples of how our customers are using rate planning and McGill’s funding assistance to achieve better outcomes. As well as, how you can get started today toward planning for your utility’s future.