Sanford Roundabout a First of Its Kind in North Carolina
In Sanford, North Carolina, a pair of roundabouts have been designed and installed at the interchange of Hawkins Avenue and US Highway 1. McGill Associates worked closely with the City of Sanford to design the roundabouts with features like decorative paving, including stained concrete, brick paver bands, and a landscaped area. The firm also provided topographic surveying, site layout, landscape layout, gateway signage, traffic signal design, utility relocation, and grading improvements.
According to the Sanford Herald, the roundabouts were installed to reduce the number of accidents in the area and to beautify the area.
One of the challenges with this project was how to drain the landscaped area, as the existing asphalt under the center of the proposed roundabout was to remain in place. McGill Associates solved this issue by providing a planter area at the center of the circle with weep-hole drainage. McGill Associates’ Landscape Architecture Team worked with the City to select plants best suited for the harsh, urban environment of the site. The design also incorporated the use of artificial turf around the landscaped area to minimize maintenance.
Because this project used non-conventional solutions for construction materials with low maintenance and low installation costs, it is serving as a pilot project for the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Ultimately, the final design gives the City of Sanford a functional and aesthetically pleasing entry point into the City.