Town of West Jefferson Project Wins Strongest Infrastructure Project Contest
November 1, 2016
McGill Associates is pleased to announce that the Town of West Jefferson recently received the “Strongest Infrastructure Project” contest for their Downtown Revitalization from Strong Towns. Strong Towns is a national media nonprofit dedicated to supporting a model of development that allows America’s cities, towns, and neighborhoods to become financially strong and resilient. The award is for a project that exemplifies:
- local decision-making and public input
- bottom-up rather than top-down action
- project design that’s built to adapt or change incrementally
- utilizing existing resources, land and infrastructure instead of building from scratch
- true return on investment
McGill Associates assisted the Town of West Jefferson as the lead engineering / landscape architectural firm with design and construction administration services for downtown streetscape enhancements at the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Main Street and a second intersection at Jefferson Avenue and Ashe Street. The streetscape designs include brick and concrete bumpouts. Streetscape enhancements included concrete curbing and brick pavers, trees, and landscaping, as well as decorative street lights and stop signs that complement the character of the historic downtown area. The concrete and storm drainage portion of the project was funded by the NCDOT through an agreement with the Town that allowed the NCDOT to remove traffic signals to create four-way stops at most of the downtown intersections.
Congratulations to the Town of West Jefferson on this exciting award!