Surveying Services
McGill’s surveying division provides a broad range of surveying services by leveraging cutting-edge instrumentation and software technologies. We view surveying as an imperative extension of our engineering services. It plays a crucial role in obtaining accurate and detailed information about the physical characteristics and topography of a site – which is essential for effective design and construction.
To ensure consistency and the production of excellent mapping outputs for our clients, we have written surveying and CAD standards. Our crew has substantial surveying experience throughout the Southeast. We have extensive surveying expertise in topographic site mapping, route surveying, right-of-way retracement, property boundary surveys, ALTA surveys, subdivision platting, recombination surveys, easement surveys, as-built surveying, construction staking, utility mapping, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and traditional photogrammetry and aerial mapping, as well as high-order geodetic survey control. We also have our own in-house unmanned aerial services team with two FAA-certified UAV pilots and can provide aerial photography and photogrammetry.

Survey Control
From high-order geodetic surveys to GIS mapping grade data collection and attribution, our survey team has significant knowledge of establishing survey control. We undertake photogrammetric scanning on a regular basis and give high-resolution 3D point cloud models and deliverables using both big sensor handheld cameras and UAV platforms.

Coded Data Collection
A key feature of our field surveying is coded data collection that automatically generates CAD features to meet McGill’s written CAD standards. We have developed field codes that essentially allow our field crews to prepare maps while in the field. Field coded raw data automatically creates CAD lines, symbols, text, pipe networks, utilities, digital terrain models, curbing, etc. within our CAD software. Field crews are in the best position to create the line work, symbology, and connectivity of the base mapping, as they can physically see what needs to be represented on the final survey.

Aerial Services
Our survey group has FAA-certified pilots with remote small Unmanned Aerial Systems ratings. McGill’s photogrammetry team can provide high-resolution orthophotos, 3D scans, point cloud models, and digital terrain modeling on suitable project sites. Geospatial deliverables are properly registered and georeferenced, produced to meet current ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards for Geospatial Data, and signed and sealed by a professional land surveyor. We can regularly monitor projects weekly and monthly for site managers, contractors, and investors.

Mapping and GIS
Our geographic information system (GIS)-certified professionals understand the importance of an up-to-date, accurate, and effective system. The McGill team also has a thorough understanding of the complexities of GIS applications. With our full-service surveying department, we can provide GIS features at survey grade.

Advanced Surveying Software
McGill’s surveying department is committed to providing accurate, high-quality data using advanced instrumentation and software technologies. With extensive experience in the Southeast, our surveying division is experienced on a variety of projects, including public infrastructure and mapping, route surveys for utility design, as-built surveys, construction stakeout, right-of-way retracement, FEMA flood elevation certificates, FEMA flood study cross sections, ALTA surveys, GIS mapping, topographic site mapping, and geodetic control surveys for photogrammetry, as well as site survey control.

Cross-Discipline Projects
Our surveying team has worked on many cross-discipline projects. As a result, our staff has working knowledge of the issues beyond pure surveying services that can affect a potential project’s viability. At McGill, we have a group of support professionals in-house to help guide our surveying efforts and provide timely communication of issues that may hinder our client’s goals for a project.